The Beatels, early years and their best hits
Tubes from the beginnings to the epilogue “Let it Be,” through “Sergeant Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band,” the “Fab Four” had a decisive influence on the history of music.
A still powerful aura at the beginning of the third millennium.
The Beatles history started in Liverpool in 1957. A teenager named John Winston Lennon formed a group, “The Quarry Men”.. .by company a certain James Paul McCartney. Quickly get George Harrison.
Two years later, the obscure group seizes an opportunity, by performing on a television set. Surprising for training too inexperienced.
We were in 1960. Renamed “Johnny and the Moondogs” and “The Beatles ” (Editor’s Note: the beetles), our rockers are starting to get a great success in the Liverpool area. A fourth member now officiates as a drummer, a handsome young man named Pete Best.
Experience German and Brian Epstein in 1961
The Beatles will live in Germany. A specific experience since four boys foam Hamburg clubs and forging himself experience the scene as well as an excellent reputation.
Back in Liverpool, the group meeting in the mythical “Cavern Club” Brian Epstein. Until its demise in 1967, the man mAnager partner, but also will have a considerable influence on the formation of the nickname of “5th Beatles” inheriting.
The first significant success back in 1962 or the group saw a change of strength. Indeed, Pete Best left the band, to the benefit of Richard Starkey, aka Ringo Starr. The Group, therefore, arrived at his final training.
This is the same year that the Beatles get their first big hit. This 45 rpm, “Love me Do” reason in all of England.
This success is, of course, to put on account of a title of high quality, but also on the new look adopted by the Quartet. Exit the black jackets and banana of the rockers, the group chooses the so-called “mods,” suit and tie and carefully combed bangs look. Ideal sons-in-law including directory, and especially the lyrics, are characterized by a distant sweetness of the rock’roll at the time.
The “Beatles” phenomenon
Ascension of the group is dazzling. The tubes are linked without dead time (“Please Please Me,” “She Loves You,” I Want To Hold Your Hand”…). It is also the time of the first riots from fans. “Beatlemania” is running, and is spreading rapidly in Europe and particularly in France.
In 64, 4 boys occur at the Olympia: hysteria is incredible. America is not immune to the “tornado Beatles”.
In 1965, the Group Gets the medal the Member of the British Empire, from the hands of the Queen! Sweet provoc’ for some, offensive to others, it is also at this time that John Lennon pronounce this phrase: “We are more famous than God”.
The group appears also in the cinema. From 64 with “A Hard Day’s Night” and “Help” the following year. In 1967, it is the turn of “Magical Mystery Tour”.
Sergeant Pepper
Tubes continue to flow (the jewels “Yesterday” or even “Help” to name a few), as well as touring. This taxing regime brought the group to decide to devote himself exclusively to studio work.
1967 will be the year of the release of “Sergeant Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band”, the first concept album in history. Securities are linked smoothly, thanks to the daring of production and new arrangements until then, without forgetting the ambient psychedelia.
Anecdote: “Lucy In The Sky With DIAMonds”, one of the major titles of the album contains the initials LSD. Intentional? John Lennon always denied doing it knowingly. Whatever it is, this amazing trip musical but also poetic remains to this day one of the best-selling albums in the world. For more articles like this, keep it locked to The Who Live.
The beginning of the end
1968 is the year of the double white album, the “White Album”. Paradox, while the quality of its content remains a creative high, this disc also illustrates the evolution of the group, and especially the growing rivalry between Lennon and McCartney, visible through the compositions of the disc. Obviously, the increasingly great influence of Yoko Ono on John Lennon does not help.
Of way General, pressure and wear and tear in the face of such a career do not surprise really. Drugs and the spiritual search are also inseparable from this period. Musicians do not hide their inclinations for Narcotics, and strictly follow the religious teaching of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India. The fabulous group wipes reviews…
It is also at this time that the solo projects of each begin to emerge. John Lennon will be the first to emancipate, with the recording of “Plastic Ono Band”, in the company of Yoko.
We are in 1970. After a long and tedious work in the studio, the Beatles released “Let it Be”. A birth in the pain of what remains the of can desired band album. Some time after, it’s the earthquake for milLions of fans: Paul Mc Cartney officially announced the separation of the Beatles, so signing the end of one of the great sagas in the history of music. By following this link you will find something more about the history of the Who band.
The after Beatles
these extraordinary 8 years of course could not fall into oblivion, as evidenced by the milLions of copies of records sold thereafter. The fans were also able to follow the solo careers of former members.
Unfortunately for John Lennon , the adventure will stop in 1980. Shortly after his return in the bins with the album “Double Fantasy”, the star, very involved in pacifism, is, ironically, killer ? e by an imbalance on 8 December.
As George Harrison, he will be distinguished by a number of albums (including the successful singles like “Instant Karma”, and then in the 1980s of the very sixties “Got my mind set on”) You”).” George Harrison died in November 2001.
Ringo Starr , he dedicated himself finally to the movies.
Finish with the most prolific of the ex “Fab Four”, Paul McCartney. Or with the “Wings”, mounted training with his wife Linda, solo, singer-bassist has offered and continues to offer high quality albums.
These include the excellent “Ram”, but also his latest opus, “Chaos and Creation in the Backyard”, where the star has surprisingly abandoned the sophistication of technology, just as the studio musicians. (plays all instruments). Result: an intimate album is where more than ever vibrates the unalterable magic of the Beatles.
In 2008, Billboard magazine published a list of artists who have sold the most and the Beatles were constantly occupied first place in sales. If you want to learn more you can always contact thewholive.tv.